Zero Waste Washington Annual Holiday Party
You're Invited!
Please join us for Zero Waste Washington's Annual Holiday Party
Friday, December 6, 2024
5 - 6:30 pm
Via zoom
Please register so we can send you the zoom link
Great community and fun trash-themed interactive game show!
We are looking forward to "seeing" you then.
This event also serves as Zero Waste Washington's annual meeting.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Michelle Alten-Kaehler at michelle@zerowastewashington.org or (425) 829-9497
Locationvia Zoom
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles Online Access Information You will be provided instructions to access the digital content for this event. When and how these instructions are delivered to you is determined by the Event Organizer. To ensure access, use an up-to-date email address and avoid unsubscribing from email updates. See our Help Center for more information.